
How to come to DK HOUSE Sapporo from Nishi-11-Chome Station on Tozai Line(Subway)

It takes about 10 minutes to come to DK HOUSE Sapporo from Nishi-11-Chome Station, a subway station on Tozai-Line.

The easiest direction is to go straight from the Exit 2 to the corner of Central Ward Office, then make right. After passing four signals, make left. Keep walking and the guesthouse will be on your right in a while.

I'd like to explain it with photos.

1. Getting out of subway station from Exit 2

The station has three ticket gates. Please get out from the central ticket gate, which has the larget map in front, and make right.

Then, there is a path to Exit 2. Please come in and take stairs.

You will get out from Exit 2 with Ishiyama Ave. in front.

2. Going to DK HOUSE Sapporo

With Exit 2 back, please make right. And go straight until Central Ward Office.

You'll pass Prince Hotel Sapporo on your right.

This is the corner of Central Ward Office (South 3 & West 11). Please make right at this corner.

Please keep going until the 4th traffic signal. At the 4th signal, which has a Soba restaurant named "Sorimachi-an" and two vending machines, make left.

In about 250 meters, there will be DK HOUSE Sapporo on your right.

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